AVST Moisturiser 3


The third step moisturiser in the AVST step-up system


How much Beauty Base dollars I’ll earn?
+$10 per product.


30+ 40+ 50+


anti-ageing pigmentation correction


dry normal

Therapist Advice

AVST Moisturiser 3

The Environ’s Skin EssentiA Vitamin “Step up System” has been designed to strengthen the skin by gradually adding higher strength levels of vitamin A to each moisturiser. The “Step Up System” makes introducing Vitamin A into your skin care regime easy, safe and effective. The AVST Moisturiser #3 is the third step in the Skin Essentia “Step Up System”. AVST Moisturiser #3 is a smoothing, nourishing moisturiser containing a moderate to high concentration of vitamin A in the form of retinyl palmitate, along with Vitamin C, powerful antioxidants and botanicals as well as peptides to normalise, repair, and hydrate your skin while improving the visible appearance of sun damage and fine lines and wrinkles. We recommend you use this moisturiser once you have already used at least 2 bottles of the AVST #2 moisturiser.

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